
December 16, 2022Monthly NEWS Special Announcement

Results of the BAP Final Pitch Contest

On Friday, December 9, the final Pitch Contest of the BAP 2022 was held in a hybrid format. The seven finalists’ presentations were filmed on stage and broadcasted live online to ICF members. The winners were selected after rigorous review and discussion by four ICF advisors and MRI judges.
MRI considers the winners and finalists of this year’s awards, as well as other applicants for the program, as potential co-creation partners and will continue to support them in various ways, aiming to resolve societal issues that will lead to larger societal impacts. If particularly concrete co-creation activities are carried out with any of the potential partners, the efforts and results of such activities will be presented at DEMODAY, which is scheduled to be held on March 10, 2023.
Please look forward to it!

Grand Prize
Anzaikantetsu Co., Ltd.
Summary: Clean Water Mechanism to provide incentives for clean water
Reason for Award: Special note was given to the scale and importance of the societal problem addressed by the company and the development of its unique technology to resolve it. The business idea was also given high marks for the magnitude of the potential societal impact (expected outcome) when it is implemented in society.

MRI Award for Future Partners
Study Valley Inc.
Summary: Inquiry-based learning connecting school and society to develop the strength to live
Reason for Award: As inquiry-based learning is now compulsory, this is an area where market expansion is expected. The company is taking on the challenge of resolving important societal issues by incorporating lessons from both schools and corporations. MRI expects to partner with Study Valley in order to implement the business model into society.

MRI Award for Future Design 
ninpath Inc.
Summary: Visualization and referral for fertility treatment to help people to maintain treatment and work simultaneously
Reason for Award: Declining birth rates are an important societal issue for the future of Japan and other developed countries. With fertility rates falling rapidly, promoting fertility treatment is likely to have a large societal impact. This is an area which MRI should also focus on in the future.

Best Growth Award
Summary: Possibility of resolving societal issues by combining location information with CRM
Reason for Award: The company is taking on the challenge of developing a SaaS area for the public sector by leveraging its track record in the private sector. The scope of the business idea has expanded from disaster prevention to include vacant housing, nursing care, road maintenance, and other fields through mentoring.

Audience Award
Summary: An app that automatically suggests AI-powered personalized fall prevention training
Reason for Award: The Audience Award is selected by popular vote from the online audience.

The ICF Secretariat would like to thank members for their continued participation in ICF activities this year. The next Monthly News will be a combined issue for January and February, which will be delivered in late January 2023. All of the Secretariat members wish readers the best for the new year and hope that it will be filled with happiness and success.

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