
October 23, 2024Monthly NEWS 2024 October

Activity Report

“Workshop on Human Augmentation and Virtual Economy” held on September 5 

We held the second ideathon on the “Human Augmentation and Virtual Economy” (including XR, Metaverse, and Human Augmentation) activity series. By combining seeds from startups with societal issues we wanted to resolve, participants were able to foster new co-creation opportunities.
The event report is available at the following link:
https://icf.mri.co.jp/activities/activities-19731/ (Japanese only)
We are also considering organizing another ideathon around November to December, incorporating other seeds to create new co-creation activities.

Preliminary report on the second session of “Carbon Credit Deep-Dive Workshop” held on September 20

The second session of “Carbon Credit Deep-Dive Workshop” was held on the theme of creating a carbon credit market. While the first session, held on June 12, focused on the demand side of carbon credits, the second session focused on the supply side, with participants involved in the creation of credits sharing their practical experience.
The preliminary report, including a part of presentation materials, is available at:
https://icf.mri.co.jp/activities/activities-19903/ (Japanese only)
In addition, archived videos are available upon request for those who could not attend the event. Please contact the ICF Secretariat if you are interested.
Please note that archived videos will no longer be available after October 25 (Fri).

Report on the second session of “ICF Societal Implementation Research: Public Affairs (PA) ” on September 27  

In order to deepen understanding of PA strategies through specific case studies, we conducted a survey on stakeholders and policy trends in PA based on the business of Morus Corporation, an ICF startup member, and shared the results with ICF members.
*Morus Inc. is a startup engaged in the development of new protein sources and food made from silkworms.
The recorded video is available at:
https://icf.mri.co.jp/activities/activities-19545/ (Japanese only)
*Please refrain from sharing the password outside of your organization.
Following this event, we plan to hold a new workshop program where interested members can bring their agendas on PA-related issues. Further details will be announced in late October.

New Entrepreneurial Stories of Impactful ICF Members (#44 and #45)  

The new articles cover stories of Logos Science Corp, which uses Maletech to solve men’s health issues, and endophyte Inc., which is tackling environmental challenges such as food security and soil and forest restoration using microbial technology as its core.
The articles are available at:
https://icf.mri.co.jp/information/information-19713/ (Logos Science Corp.)  
https://icf.mri.co.jp/information/information-19716/ (endophyte Inc.)  
(Japanese only)  
You can find the list of all articles here (English version available for 41 articles).

ICF Quarterly Report (July-September 2024) released on October 4

We have released the Q2 Activity Report, which summarizes activities from July to September, to ICF members on October 4.
It is also available to the public on the ICF website today:

Upcoming Activities

November: Proposal-Based Webinar

We plan to hold a series of proposal-based webinars to connect our members’ initiatives to future co-creation activities. The first webinar, scheduled for November 8, will focus on sustainable regional revitalization. More details will be announced later.

Initiatives in the Chubu Region in Japan

In early September, we visited approximately 10 ICF member companies and organizations in the Kansai region to hear about their issues and needs. Following that, we are scheduled  to visit several ICF member companies in the Chubu region in late October for further discussions.

Business Acceleration Program (BAP) 2025

The next BAP is currently under preparation and is scheduled to open around February-March in 2025.

New Members

Between September 13 and October 10, 8 companies and organizations joined ICF.
(List of ICF members)
https://icf.mri.co.jp/member/ (Japanese only)

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