
September 05, 2022Videos on Societal Issues - Water & Food, 2021 Edition

These videos explain the Listings of Societal Issues in an easy-to-understand way. Each societal issue is discussed for about 10 minutes, covering the problems, issues, and technological and regulatory trends of each topic.
They are currently open only to ICF members.

Water & Food, 2021 Edition

①Decline in food supply capacity

Japan is facing a continued aging and severe shortage of workforce in agriculture and fisheries. Improving productivity and adding high value to production are becoming important requirements.

②Difficulties in food procurement due to population growth

The explosive growth of the population, particularly in developing countries, coupled with the increasing demand for biofuels, has raised concerns about availability of food to feed all people in the future.

③Insufficient usable water resource

While global water demand continues to increase, many areas are not keeping up with developing fundamental water infrastructures. Global warming causes a change in the rainfall patterns bringing droughts and floods, resulting in shortage of water resources for drinking and agriculture.

④Increase in food loss and waste

In developed countries, food loss is observed more in retail and consumption, while in developing countries, more occurs post-harvest during storage and processing.

⑤Unhealthy food that remains in prosperous societies

The diet of low-income families tends to concentrate on inexpensive processed foods, and it is challenging for them to eat healthy meals. Regions that face this phenomenon are referred to as food deserts and have become a major societal problem worldwide.

⑥The shift toward greater respect for food diversity

There is a growing movement and calls to provide culinary diversity tailored to individuals’ values and beliefs.

⑦Lack of communication through food

An increasing number of people eat alone. It is recognized as a problem that eating in isolation leads to unbalanced or insufficient nutrition. A wider variety of communication using food is expected in the post-pandemic society.

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