
September 05, 2022Videos on Societal Issues - Education & Human Resource Development, 2021 Edition

These videos explain the Listings of Societal Issues in an easy-to-understand way. Each societal issue is discussed for about 10 minutes, covering the problems, issues, and technological and regulatory trends of each topic.
They are currently open only to ICF members.

Education & Human Resource Development, 2021 Edition

①Insufficient skill development in terms of mastering new technologies and processes

Reading comprehension is becoming increasingly important as a skill that is difficult to replace by AI. However, the average scores of reading comprehension of students has been on the decline as the number of students categorized in a low level is increasing. In addition, education is wrought with inequality due to differences in geographic, residential, and economic conditions.

②Few people in adulthood return to school (between different job opportunities)

As lifespans are getting longer, the old pattern of learning at school, working for a company, and spending many years in retirement should be shifted into a wider variety of ways to work and live. In addition, the advent of new technologies like AI will require most workers to acquire new skills midway through their careers.

③Filter bubbles (i.e. Information flooding and bias)

Internet users receive most information filtered according to their personal data such as browsing and location histories. This type of optimization algorithm creates what is known as “filter bubbles” where you are exposed only to the information that you are already likely to enjoy and approve of. The resulting lack of diversity in information is a problem.

④Lack of diversity in human resources

There is a growing view that higher levels of diversity within a team lead to higher levels, on average, of productivity. Diversity is desirable not only in terms of both physical attributes, such as age, gender, and nationality, but also in the way of thinking, such as values and lifestyles.

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