
July 04, 2023Collaborative Projects with MRI Operations Division

ICF-BAP2023 is working with the Mitsubishi Research Institute to solicit ideas, technologies, and business models that will create large societal impacts

If you wish to apply for the [Support for co-creation and societal implementation with MRI] option during BAP, please select [Theme of particular interest for co-creation with MRI] as your answer for the [Motivation for applying to this program] section within the Application Form

Creating Value Chains as a Company that Resolves Societal Issues

MRI is working to create an ideal futute society by tackling societal issues at their inception and linking solutions and innovations to our four core business functions: A) Reseach and Proposals, B) Policy and Business Planning, C) Systems, Business Design, and Demonstration, and D) Societal Implementation

※VCP Management: Management that emphasizes value chains (and the Value Creation Process) as part of resolving societal issues

Current MRI areas of expertise and project application

※For the co-creation project showcase of each type of partner searching, please refer to the co-creation case studies on our official website


Healthcare VCP Manager

Akira Enomoto

Let’s all work together to create a healthy future for everyone.

Customer ProposalProject Name: Improvement of Care Productivity

Brief Description:
Exploring technologies that will lead to improved caregiving productivity,
business efficiencies, and systematic benefits 

Previous and Current Projects:
◇ Measuring the effectiveness of previous efforts to improve
  productivity through nursing care robotics (external site) [Link]

◇ Evaluating a package introduction model of nursing care robot
  initiatives (external site) [Link]

Ideal Start-up Partner Qualities:
◇ Work with a wide range of solutions and technologies, such as
  through advances in robotics, that can increase productivity by
  evaluating realistic and actual conditions of nursing care sites
New BusinessBusiness Name: Health Management Policy Packaging

Brief Description:
Providing services and solutions that contribute to understanding and
visualizing employee health (both physical and mental), encouraging
healthy lifestyle changes, maintaining and improving general welfare,
and measuring the effectiveness of implemented policy

Previous and Current Projects:Under development

Ideal Start-up Partner Qualities:
◇ Provide services and solutions to monitor health (physical and
  mental) and identify signs of deterioration as early as possible
◇ Provide services and solutions that prompt behavior and lifestyle
  changes in responses to signs of deterioration
◇ Provide services and solutions that contribute to the maintenance
  and improvement of physical or mental health
◇ Provide services and solutions that enable quantitative
  measurement of efforts to maintain and improve physical or mental

Food and Agriculture

Food and Agriculture VCP Manager

Kimio Inagaki

For the sake of our children, let’s work together to revamp the food and agriculture sectors in Japan and around the world!

Collaborative ResearchConcept Name: Promoting regional agricultural land accumulation

Brief Description:
Improving the feasibility of the People and Farmland Plan and using
regional planning policies to promote the concentration of farmland
and increase agricultural productivity

Previous and Current Projects:
◇ Preventing the Predicted Halving of Agricultural Production by
  2050 | Special Report 2 | Mitsubishi Research Institute (MRI site)

Ideal Start-up Partner Qualities:
◇ Develop systems and applications to enchance collection,
  visualization, and use of agricultural data (e.g., satellite
  information,planting information)
◇ Propose services and business models that promote agricultural
  land accumulation
Customer ProposalProject Name: Digitalization of operations of agricultural, forestry,
and fishery producers and business associations

Brief Description:
Promoting the digitalization of agriculture, forestry, and fishery
businesses to increase operational efficiency and improve their
provided value

Previous and Current Projects:
◇ Preventing the Predicted Halving of Agricultural Production by
  2050 | Special Report 2 | Mitsubishi Research Institute (MRI site)

◇ Continuous Delivery is Essential for Food Security | Special
  Report 3 | Mitsubishi Research Institute (MRI site) [Link]

◇ Approaches to the Usage of Unutilized FIsh: Conclusions Drawn
  from Food Service Demonstrations | Mitsubishi Research
  Institute (MRI site) [Link]

Ideal Start-up Partner Qualities:
◇ Develop systems and applications that can be utilized by
  agriculture, forestry, and fishery businesses
◇ Propose services and business models that improve the
  productivity and value of agriculture, forestry, and fishery
◇ Create service and business ideas that streamline wholesale
  market transactions for agriculture, forestry, and fishery
New BusinessBusiness Name: Reduction of environmental impact of food and
agricultural production

Brief Description:
Minimizing the environmental impact of agricultural production
through efforts such as reducing methane in rice paddies and
livestock farms and the resource recycling of agricultural and food

Previous and Current Projects:
◇ World Leaders in Reducing Food-Derived Greenhouse Gases |
  Special Report 4 | Mitsubishi Research Institute (MRI site) [Link]

◇ What is the Purpose of Promoting Food Technology? Future
  Prospects of FoodTech as Climate Change Mitigation Measure
  Vol. 1  | Mitsubishi Research Institute (MRI site) [Link]

Ideal Start-up Partner Qualities:
◇ Develop new technologies to reduce rice paddy and livestock
◇ Develop new technologies and business models to improve
  recycling of agricultural and food wastes


Energy VCP Manager

Hiroyuki Sasada

Let’s build a society where renewable energies are used everywhere!

New BusinessBusiness Name: Measures to improve performance of energy-related

Brief Description:
Providing a mechanism to predict in advance the decline in
performance of energy-related facilities in order to optimize the
development of renewable energy and electric power facilities

Previous and Current Projects:

◇ MPX Corporation corporate website (external site) [Link]
◇ MERSOL (mersol-web.jp)

Ideal Start-up Partner Qualities:
◇ Provide services and solutions that can predict the decline in
  performance of renewable energies such as solar power generation
◇ Provide services and solutions that enable the prediction of
  failures and general deterioration of power facilities
◇ Provide services and solutions that can diagnose the remaining
  life of energy storage batteries

Urban Mobility

Urban Mobility VCP Manager

Hirotaka Higuchi

Let’s work hard to resolve local issues through social business!

Customer ProposalProject Name: Building a sustainable, compact, smart city

Brief Description:
Promoting efficient and sustainable urban development through the
orderly reduction of urban sprawl, the creation of city industry and
employment, and the improvement of general wellbeing

Previous and Current Projects:
◇ Toyama City is Becoming a Compact City (external site) [Link]

Ideal Start-up Partner Qualities:
◇ Provide services and solutions that contribute to civic engagement
  and community building
◇ Provide services and solutions that contribute to digital
  infrastructure and data utilization
◇ Provide services and solutions that contribute to fulfilling the
  last-one-mile of human movement and logistics
◇ Improve regional development services using systems like ICT
  (education, reskilling, industry, employment, etc.)
◇ Improve mobility services and support community activities using
  systems like ICT
Customer ProposalProject Name: Resolving societal issues with a rapidly aging population

Brief Description:
Providing solutions and preparing for the rapid aging of Japan’s
population and the aging rural communities

Previous and Current Projects:
◇ About the Super City Concept (kawachinagano.lg.jp)
   (external site)

Ideal Start-up Partner Qualities:
◇ Provide services and solutions that contribute to digital
  infrastructure and data utilization (especially in combating the
  so-called “digital divide” and in clarifying the current and future
  needs of the elderly)
◇ Assess the physical and cognitive functions of the elderly, provide
  services and solutions related to nursing care, and contribute to the
  prevention of dementia and other serious illnesses
◇ Provide services and solutions that contribute to fulfilling the
  last-one-mile of human movement and logistics
◇ Improve mobility services and support community activities using
  systems like ICT
New BusinessBusiness Name: Services to solve regional issues utilizing Region Ring

Brief Description:
Creating a local currency service that aims to revitalize communities by
incentivizing indiviudal behavioral change by issuing tourism-focused
local currencies, granting visitors spendable “points”, and providing
welfare service vouchers

Previous and Current Projects:
◇ Region Ring®, a Regional Digital Currency Service (mri.co.jp)

Ideal Start-up Partner Qualities:
◇ Provide services to promote behavioral change among regional
  residents, to repopularize local businesses using point systems, and
  to implement regional digital currencies


Resilience VCP Manager

Hozuma Sekine

Let’s create a resilient society where everyone can live in peace!

10Collaborative ResearchConcept Name: Realization of a “resilient society”
where citizens support one another

Brief Description:
Optimizing the allocation of public assistance resources by
promoting diisaster prevention activities that are suited to individual regions and cultures, utilizing MRI’s Personal Resilience Profile (PRP)

Previous and Current Projects:
◇ 100 Years After the Great Kanto Earthquake, We are Creating a
  Resilient Society where All People Help Each Other(MRI)[Link]

Ideal Start-up Partner Qualities:
◇ Propose services effective for fulfilling the above-mentioned
  goals, as well as brainstorm ideas for PRP utilization
11Customer ProposalProject Name: Supporting residents and local governments in preparing
for natural disasters, during crisis, and in encouraging recovery

Brief Description:
Creating a Disaster Prevention DX for both administrative support and
resident support based on regional municipalities and geographic

Previous and Current Projects:
◇ Disaster Prevention DX Public-Private Co-creation Council
  (ppp-bosai-dx.jp) (external site)

◇ Preparing for Large-scale Disasters with Industrial Infrastructure
  that Combats the “Triple Disaster” | Special Report 2 |Mitsubishi
  Research Institute (MRI site) [Link]

Ideal Start-up Partner Qualities:
◇ Innovates services and solutions to improve self-supporting and
  mutual-aid capabilities of regional residents and businesses
12New BusinessExploratory Business Name: Realization of phase-free disaster
prevention and mitigation solutions

Brief Description:
Creating services through the use of digital technology that provide
individuals and communities with the support and services they need
during non-critical times, immediately after a disaster occurs, and during
the recovery and reconstruction period

Previous and Current Projects:
◇ The Public-Private Co-creation of Disaster Prevention DX is
  Formed |  Topic 1 | Mitsubishi Research Institute (MRI site)

◇ Disaster Prevention DX Public-Private Co-creation Council
  (ppp-bosai-dx.jp) (external site)

Ideal Start-up Partner Qualities:
◇ Innovate services and solutions that can be utilized during peaceful
  times but are also implemented with regard to natural disaster

Human Resources

Human Resources VCP Manager

Hiroyuki Ueda

Let’s work together to create a society where everyone can play an active role!

13Customer ProposalProject Name: Supporting human resources consulting

Brief Description:
MRI is operating the Human Resource Management Consortium and is
providing consulting services to private companies in order to improve
their human capital management. MRI achieves this by conducting
quantitative analysis of each company’s issues rather than generalizing
solutions, including analyzing employee engagment and visualizing the
Asls-ToBe gap

Previous and Current Projects:
◇ Human Resource Management (mri.co.jp)
◇ Organizational and Human Resource Strategy Consulting |
  Mitsubishi Research Institute (MRI site) [Link]

Ideal Start-up Partner Qualities:
◇ Create original services that contribute to the understanding,
  evaluation, and analysis of coroporate human resource management
  and the formulation and implementation of solution-focused
  strategies (e.g., the 3P5F method of “three perspectives and five
  common elements”)
14New BusinessBusiness Name: Promoting FLAP implementation services

Brief Description:
Developing and providing services that support the effective and
efficient implementation of the FLAP cycle of recruitment (including
hiring new graduates and mid-career workers, encouraging
intra-company transfers,and internal corporate training) in order to
eliminate the gap between human resource supply and demand

Previous and Current Projects:
◇ FLAP Cycle: Data-Driven Human Resource Strategy for a
  Post-COVID Society(MRI)[Link]

◇ Various Services Already Being Offered:PRaiO, crexta,
  COCOPRO,JOBMINEs, FLAP Support for Athletes (AFP)| Human
  Resources | Mitsubishi Research Institute (MRI site) [Link]

Ideal Start-up Partner Qualities:
◇ Provide services that will increase the value of the services and
  business offerings linked with MRI
15New BusinessBusiness Name: Providing AI functions in the field of HR

Brief Description:
MRI has developed HaRi, an AI engine specialized for the field of human
resources. Using this engine, MRI has developed PRaiO, crextra, and
COCOPRO to provide these services in multiple areas throughout Japan.

Previous and Current Projects:
◇ HaRi:
  HaRi, an AI Engine that will Revolutionize Recruiting Efforts, has
  been Developed and is Becoming an Ally of Companies and Students
  | Mitsubishi Research Institute (MRI site) [Link]

◇ PRaiO、crexta、COCOPRO:
  Capable HR Programs |  Mitsubishi Research Institute (MRI site)

Ideal Start-up Partner Qualities:
◇ Create original service ideas that contribute to resolving issues in
  the field of human resources using HaRi

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